Yesterday's Technology Today Won't Cut It

by Megan Fisher, Thursday, August 31, 2023

Progressive technology, particularly in the healthcare space, doesn’t have to be complicated to be innovative. And, tried and true technology can quickly become outdated, bulky, and inefficient; with the rapid rate of technological change in our digital world, health systems have to be willing to forget what “used to work” when it is no longer solving the problem. Healthcare technology solutions must meet the community’s specific needs, without requiring extra time or attention from users - who, in the healthcare setting, are likely patients and their loved ones occupied by potentially life-changing medical events. Perhaps the most progressive organizations turn to innovative solutions to real-life problems we face in hospitals, world-wide. 

Eyedog.US leans on complex technology behind the scenes, to present an indoor wayfinding technology solution that is simple for users to access, understand, and use; the complexity of the technology remains on the back-end, so that it does not get in the way of solving the user’s problem - finding their way. That is innovation that impacts what matters most: the patient’s experience in a healthcare setting.